As you may be aware CFRAM Flood Schemes in Knocklofty, Holycross and Ballina are progressing at present. Given the current situation with Covid 19 a decision was taken a number of months ago to carry out the initial Public Consultation online via a project website in lieu of an in person consultation day. This is common practice on projects in the current Covid climate.
The consultation process will commence online on the 8th November 2021 via the links below. The purpose of the consultation is to ensure the development of healthy, constructive and proactive relationships with stakeholders during Stage I of the Project.
The public and other interested parties views are invaluable in relation to the key issues that the Environmental Constraints Study should include and that the overall Scheme should address including the following:
- the options to manage the flood risk in the area;
- the Scheme proposed in the FRMP;
- points of local importance that might constrain the design and/or viability of any potential flood alleviation measures;
- information on any flood events that have occurred since the CFRAM Study was undertaken;
- Environmental constraints.