Thurles Walking and Cycling Scheme


By administrator, 4 August, 2022
Deadline for completion

Mon, 12/09/2022 - 23:59 

This item has closed: 2 years 5 months ago
Thurles Walking and Cycling Scheme

Welcome to the Thurles Walking & Cycling Scheme information page. Here you will find information about the proposed scheme and a link to the public consultation portal to provide your feedback.

The purpose of the virtual room is to provide information to the public on the overall scheme proposals with route options for a shared footpath/ cycle path between Thurles Train Station and Bohernamona Road.

A walking and cycling strategy for Thurles was developed in 2012 and updated in 2021. The report identified the connection of the schools including crossing the River Suir as a useful walking and cycling route:

"Thurles has large schools in the centre of the town, on the north side of Liberty Square.
These schools are well connected to the town centre but are not themselves directly interconnected by footpaths / cycle paths. Opening up an off-street footpath/cycle path between the schools, possibly including the existing pedestrian bridge across the Suir, would deliver a very useful walking and cycling route on the north side of the town."


Our Vision Statement

The vision for the Thurles Walking & Cycling Scheme is to create a pedestrian and cyclist shared path between Thurles Train Station and Bohernamona Road that provides connectivity to all schools and a crossing over the River Suir north of the existing bridge; provide a walking and cycling shared path to allow students to bypass the congested streets of the town centre and to travel directly to their school on an off-road path; and provide a facility for parents to drop-off children at the end of the shared path nearest to them (or at some intermediate point away from the town centre) and allow the children to walk to school in safety.

The development of a walking and cycling route across the northern boundary of the schools will naturally change the mode of travel to and from our schools. The majority of schools are located on the northern side of the town and are in close proximity to each other, however linkages are constrained by the River Suir.

The following Schools could benefit from the scheme:

  • Gaelscoil Bhríde
  • Ursuline Primary School
  • Ursuline Convent Secondary
  • Presentation Primary School
  • Presentation Secondary School
  • Scoil Ailbhe CBS Primary School
  • CBS Secondary School
  • Coláiste Mhuire
  • TUS Thurles Campus - Limerick Institute of Technology


Project Development Process

The current feasibility and route options assessment study represents the first of multiple steps that are required to bring a project from concept to reality. The project is currently at Phase 2 - Concept Development and Options Selection, as indicated below, in accordance with the National Transport Authority Approval Guidelines.


Key strategic plans and guidelines used to develop the vision and design of this scheme
are listed as follows:

National Documents:
• Project Ireland 2040
• Climate Action Plan 2019
• National Cycle Manual
• DMURS: Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets

Local Documents:
• Tipperary County Development Plan 2022-2028
• Thurles & Environs Development Plan 2009-2015
Regional Documents:
• Regional Planning Guidelines for the South East Region (2010-2022) 


Benefits of the Scheme

Development of this pedestrian and cyclist shared path between Thurles Train Station and Bohernamona Road would provide numerous benefits including:

  • Promoting active, healthy lifestyles for all
  • Promoting tourism and economic development
  • Creating a new recreational trail for residents
  • Promoting sustainable transport
  • Connecting communities

What is happening now?

The project is currently collecting feedback about the six route options and moving into the constraints analysis phase. Through this process, the project will collect and analyse different environmental, technical, and community-based considerations that could impact the development of route options.

What will happen next?

The route options will be assessed against set criteria and the observations and submissions collated during the public consultation to select a preferred option. The Preferred Option will form the basis for the further development of the project. Following approval by the National Transport Authority the preferred option will progress to Phase 3 Preliminary Design.

Have your say

The purpose of the public consultation for the Thurles Walking & Cycling Scheme is to provide information to the people of Thurles on the various route options for a shared footpath/ cycle path between Thurles Train Station and Bohernamona Road. We welcome your feedback and ask that you fill out the short survey at the end of the displays within the virtual room which will allow us to gather your feedback. The project is currently collecting submissions for the Thurles Walking & Cycling Scheme project.

All submissions must be submitted no later than 23:59hrs on 12th September 2022.


Submit a Comment/Submission Online

Video content and documents within the room can be viewed by clicking on the displays. Please do not forget to fill out the short survey at the end of the displays which will allow us to gather your feedback. Click the link below to submit your feedback via the online consultation portal.

Link to Portal:


Submit Comments via Email or by Post

Comments may also be emailed or posted to the following addresses:



F.A.O. Thurles Walking & Cycling Scheme Team

Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates Consulting Engineers,

3rd Floor, The Highline,

Bakers Point,

Pottery Road,

Dun Laoghaire,

Co. Dublin,

A96 KW29


All submissions should include your name or the name of the organisation you represent and contact details (personal contact details will not be published).

Submission Type