Online Survey For Roscrea Masterplan


By administrator, 30 May, 2022
Deadline for completion

Mon, 27/06/2022 - 16:30 

This item has closed: 2 years 7 months ago
Online Survey For Roscrea Masterplan

Roscrea Enhancement Committee has just launched an online survey and is calling on members of the public to please support the initiative, by completing the survey.

Chairman of the Enhancement Committee, Brian king, explained this week that the survey is very much focused on gathering information that will be used to inform an all-new Town Centre First Masterplan for Roscrea. The Masterplan for the town, is already in the early stages of development with tenders for consultants, who will draft the Masterplan, at an advanced stage.

Brian King also explained this week that the Enhancement Committee will be encouraging more people from local community groups to become active members of the committee.

The survey and the Masterplan are fully supported by Tipperary County Council.  At the turn of the year, Tipperary County Council applied for and was successfully awarded €100,000.00 from the Department of Rural & Community Affairs under its Our Rural Future - Rural Development Policy 2021-2025.  

This funding is to be used to put in place a Town Centre First Masterplan for Roscrea.  Once this master plan is formulated, Brian King explained that the committee will then be able to work with the Local Authority to seek support from multiple national funding streams to help deliver on the key projects and objectives that will be identified in the Masterplan.  These funding streams include and are not limited to the Rural Regeneration Development Fund, (RRDF) and the Town & Village Renewal Schemes.

The survey is an important feature of the formation of a Town Centre First Masterplan and will help to identify challenges and opportunities for the town as well as providing a basis for engaging with stakeholders, gathering opinions, and ensuring that a committee is in place to drive the Masterplan.

Reflecting on the existing Enhancement Plan, Brian king noted that despite all the funding challenges over the past decade the existing Enhancement Committee are very proud of the various projects they were involved with such as Market Square, The Signage Strategy, Painting Schemes, Maddens Lane, The Tourist Trail, The Roscrea Enhancement Committee Annual Awards, and events such as the BEO which served as a catalyst for subsequent events outside the realm of the Enhancement Committee.  Brian King noted that the committee worked very hard on additional projects which have not borne fruit yet but may in time.  Examples given include pushing on with development and landscaping plans for streets around the town with a particular emphasis on lighting and underground wiring in addition to developing several walking trails which would link back to the town centre.

Going forward Brian King said that a revitalised Enhancement Committee with new members will have great support from people such as Sharon Scully (District Administrator, Tipperary County Council) and Marion Carey (District Planner Tipperary County Council).  In addition, Brian King noted that the new committee will have access to more funding streams as mentioned above which should certainly encourage more community groups to get involved and support the new Masterplan which when completed will add significantly to any future strategy aimed at enhancing the town of Roscrea and encouraging people to live, work, visit and enjoy all that the town and it’s environs have to offer. 

Taking all the above into account it certainly seems that there is plenty of optimism in Roscrea at the moment.  The Masterplan has the potential to plot a very exciting future for the people of Roscrea and its neighbouring parishes and villages.  Please support those trying to put the plan in place by taking some personal time to complete the survey.  All support will be much appreciated.