Clonmel Borough District


By administrator, 17 November, 2023

At the Tipperary County Council meeting of 27th October 2023, the elected members of Tipperary County Council considered the Draft Clonmel Local Area Plan 2024-2030 and the Chief Executive's Report prepared in respect of same in accordance with Section 20(3) of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.

The elected members resolved to amend the Plan in accordance with the recommendations set out in the Chief Executives Report. The proposed amendments constitute material alterations to the Draft Clonmel Local Area Plan 2024-2030.

By administrator, 12 November, 2023

Clonmel Town Centre CCTV System- Public Consultation on upgrading of existing CCTV and Additional CCTV in Clonmel Town

Tipperary County Council, in conjunction with An Garda Siochana in Clonmel, propose to extend the Garda Town Centre CCTV system in Clonmel by amalgamating all public CCTV cameras in Clonmel into one single system to include the existing CCTV cameras in Elm Park, Cooleens Close & Heywood Road together with proposed new CCTV cameras in Suir Island, Abbey Street, Davis Road Car Park, Kickham Barracks and Heywood Road.

By administrator, 9 August, 2023

Proposed Public Realm Upgrades associated with the Safe Routes to School Programme for Gaelscoil Chluain Meala, Irishtown Upper, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, at a site of approximately 0.86 ha, to include Cantwell Street (including the junctions of Cantwell Street and Irishtown Upper, Cantwell Street and Western Park/Albert Street, and Cantwell Street and Western Road), the Western Road and Connolly Park junction, part of Irishtown (south of St. Mary’s C.B.S. Primary School) and part of Albert Street (north of St. Mary’s C.B.S. Primary School).

1. Cantwell Street:

By administrator, 28 July, 2023

In accordance with Section 20 of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended), Tipperary County Council has publishing the Draft Clonmel Local Area Plan 2024-2030, which includes a Draft Local Transport Plan.


The Draft Clonmel Local Area Plan 2024-2030 comprises:

By administrator, 28 June, 2023

The project will deliver  approximately 1.3 km of active travel upgrades along the R688, Cashel road including extension of existing facilities for cyclists and pedestrians and the provision of new cyclist and pedestrian infrastructure. Active travel improvement works including installation of new cyclist and pedestrian infrastructure are also proposed on a 200m section of Heywood Road between the R688 junction and Clonmel Rugby Club. The proposed development will consist of the following:

By administrator, 4 November, 2022

Tipperary County Council is preparing a new Local Area Plan for Clonmel, which will set out the land use strategy for the town to ensure the town can grow, support employment and homes and can do so sustainably and successfully.

The Council is inviting submissions from the public to identify priorities and help shape the future development of the town. This stage represents the ‘issues’ stage before a draft of the local area plan is published. An Issues Paper has been produced to help inform submissions and is available on this webpage.

The Issues Paper sets out:

By administrator, 10 August, 2022

PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000, as amended,




Pursuant to the requirements of Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, Tipperary County Council hereby gives notice that it intends to carry out the following development: