Cashel Public Realm Part 8


By administrator, 15 July, 2022
Deadline for completion

Tue, 06/09/2022 - 16:30 

This item has closed: 2 years ago
Cashel Public Realm Part 8

PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000, as amended,



Pursuant to the requirements of Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, Tipperary County Council hereby gives notice that it proposes to carry out the following development:

Description: The proposed development includes for public realm refurbishment and enhancement works comprising of new traffic management at Moor Lane and traffic calming measures throughout the scheme, alteration of car parking, pedestrianisation of Back of the Pipes from Moor Lane to Bank Street, new high-quality paving, new kerbing, landscaping, public lighting, improved street furniture including bike racks and 5 no. temporary canopies at the Plaza, new layout to the Plaza, refurbishment of Back of the Pipes fountain, provision of a new bus shelter at the existing bus stop on the northern end of Main Street, provision of wayfinding, information and directional signage throughout the scheme, development of interpretative murals at various locations throughout out the scheme, drainage and utility diversions/works and all associated site development works.

Location: The proposed development will be carried out on Main Street, and areas of Moor Lane, Friar Street, Bank Street, John Street, Lower Gate Square, Commandant PJ Hogan Square, Wesley Square, Agar’s Lane, Maher’s Lane and Greenhouse Lane pedestrian access lanes between Main Street to Friar Street Car Parkin the townland of Cashel, Cashel, Co. Tipperary.


Nature and Extent of Proposed Development


  1. New raised table shared surface at the intersection of Main Street and throughout Commandant PJ Hogan Square, at the intersection of Main Street and throughout Wesley Square and from the intersection of Main Street and John’s Street to Main Street and Moor Lane.
  2. New kerb alignment and pavement surfaces on Main Street from Lower Gate Square up to and including the roundabout at Friar Street and Bank Street including upgrading of pedestrian crossings, installation of new public lighting, undergrounding of overhead cables and hard and soft landscaping.
  3. New streetscape layout and pavement surfaces for Commandant PJ Hogan Square with a shared surface concept, installation of new public lighting, undergrounding of overhead cables, new uncontrolled pedestrian crossing and hard and soft landscaping.
  4. New streetscape layout and pavement surfaces for Wesley Square with a shared surface concept, installation of new bicycle racks, new uncontrolled pedestrian crossing and hard and soft landscaping.
  5. New streetscape layout and pavement surfaces for Moor Lane with a shared surface concept, installation of new public lighting, undergrounding of overhead cables, new uncontrolled pedestrian crossing, installation of removable bollards, hard and soft landscaping and change of traffic management on Moor Lane to one-way access from Main Street towards Dominic Street.
  6. Change of use to pedestrianisation at Back of the Pipes from Moor Lane to Bank Street including new pavement surfaces, installation of new public lighting, undergrounding of overhead cables and hard and soft landscaping.
  7. New streetscape layout and pavement surfaces for The Plaza including installation of new public lighting, new uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, installation of new bicycle racks, recessed power points, large ground level stone finished chess table at the gable of City Hall, Installation of 5 no. removable canopies, installation of a new steps/seating arrangement and new linear street hard and soft landscaping.
  8. New kerb alignment and pavement surfaces on the south end of Bank Street including upgrading of existing controlled pedestrian crossing, installation of new public lighting, undergrounding of overhead cables and hard and soft landscaping.
  9. New pavement surfaces, drainage and public lighting to Maher’s Lane and Greenhouse Lane linking Friar Street Car Park to Main Street.
  10. Restoration repair works to Back of the Pipes fountain.
  11. Alteration of on-street parking for Main Street, Commandant PJ Hogan Square, Moor Lane, Friar Street and Bank Street.
  12. Undergrounding of overhead electrical cables, installation of new public lighting and upgrading of existing public lighting across the entire project area.
  13. Development of associated drainage services including nature based sustainable drainage systems and provision of required utility services across the entire project area.
  14. Provision of interpretative murals at Lower Gate Street, Commandant PJ Hogan Square, John Street and Bank Street.
  15. Provision of a bus shelter adjacent to the bus stop at the north side of Main Street.
  16. Provision of street furniture throughout the entire project area.
  17. Provision of wayfinding, information and directional signage throughout the entire project area including John Street, Friar Street and Agar’s Lane.
  18. All associated site works.


The proposed development is located within Cashel Town Architectural Conservation Area and is located adjacent to over 50 Protected Structures. The works described do not materially affect the exterior fabric or character of protected structures within the proposal boundary. The works described do not materially affect the exterior fabric of a structure located within the Conservation Area, or the character of the area itself.

The development has been the subject of an Appropriate Assessment (AA) screening in accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and article 250(1) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 as amended. The Appropriate Assessment (AA) screening concluded that the proposed development would not be likely to give rise to significant or indeterminate impacts on any Natura 2000 site.

Having regard to the information specified under Schedule 7A of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, and based on an examination of the nature, size and location of the development, it is determined that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development, and an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is not required.

It is anticipated that works will be phased. The landscape design has included for a net overall gain in tree abundance and green areas within Cashel town. The successful delivery of the project is anticipated to be associated with an overall improvement to air and surface water quality through reducing traffic and the provision of nature-based sustainable drainage systems. Localised felling of existing trees is required to facilitate works; however, the landscape design has included for a net overall gain in tree abundance and green areas within Cashel Town.

Any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of the notice, apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development, including the Appropriate Assessment (AA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Reports, will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, or for inspection at:

  • Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Emmet Street., Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, E91N512
  • Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Limerick Road, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, E45 A099
  • Tipperary-Cahir-Cashel Municipal District Offices, Rosanna Road, Tipperary Town, Co. Tipperary, E34 WD51
  • Cashel Library, Friar Street, Cashel, Co. Tipperary, E25 K798

from 9.30 am – 4.30 pm Monday to Friday, and at Cashel Library, Friar St, St. Francis abbey, Cashel, Co. Tipperary from 9:30am – 5pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 9:30am – 5pm and 6pm – 8pm on Tuesdays, 9:30am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm on Fridays and 10am – 1pm and 2pm to 5pm on Saturdays for a period from the 15th July to 22nd August 2022.

Details of the proposed development are also available online at

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development will be situated, may be made in writing and addressed to Pat Slattery, Director of Services, Tipperary-Cahir-Cashel Municipal District, Rosanna Road, Tipperary Town, Co. Tipperary, should be clearly marked ‘Part 8 in respect of proposed Cashel Town Public Realm‘ or online by clicking the ‘Have Your Say’ button on the following web page: no later than 4.30 pm on Tuesday 6th September, 2022.

Any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice, apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.

Signed: Pat Slattery,

Director of Services

Tipperary-Cashel-Cahir Municipal District,

Rosanna Road, Tipperary Town, Co. Tipperary.